Archive for January, 2015

It’s certainly been a while, but with the holidays over and being a bit healthier I hope to post to this blog more often.  I know I may have mentioned it before, but my friends and I have a monthly bad movie night.  It started as a regular thing a few years ago with the double feature of The Manitou and The Room, but we’d watched many terrible movies over the years before this.  Over the years we’ve gotten a lot better at planning out what we watch as opposed to just combing a couple of random terrible movies.  It’s one thing to just watch a few flicks if you’re bored, but if you’re entertaining others you want to make sure they’re, y’know, entertained.

The best example of this is the last movie night we did where we watched three movies in the order I present them here:  Suburban Commando, Doom, and Mr Nanny.  The theme of the night was Bad Wrestler Movies which was pretty easy to come up with since there aren’t many good wrestler movies.  We normally have two movies that tie together (thematically, actor, director, etc) and a third that may or may not tie in that’s a “special attraction”.  It’s taken a while to get this formula down, but I think it works.  Very rarely do we ever get three flicks that are duds.  I think my next post will be on the night in question with brief reviews of the “gems” we watched.